Titusville, Fla. — Gold-Tone, D'Addario and the Banjo Cafe are combining efforts to give away a brand new WL-250 White Ladye banjo and hard shell case with a retail value of $1,219.00, and related D'Addario banjo products.
Registration commences from a link on the Banjo Cafe home page April 14. A lucky winner will be selected at random May 2.
In addition to the Gold Tone WL-250 the winning entry receives:
10 Sets of D'Addario banjo strings, gauge of the winner's choice
D'Addario's new NS Micro Banjo Tuner
D'Addario Planet Waves Banjo Strap
D'Addario Planet Waves Banjo Capo
D’Addario T-Shirt
10 runner-up entries will also be selected at random with each winning 2 sets of D'Addario banjo strings of their choice and D'Addario's new NS Micro Banjo Tuner.
The WL-250 White Ladye is Gold Tone's most popular openback ever. The design provides a plunky but punchy tone well-suited for old time and folk music. A White Ladye three-part tone ring is coupled with a 1/2" rim. Most competitors use a 3/4" bluegrass rim, but Gold Tone's 1/2" rim allows more air chamber volume. Other features include ebony fingerboard, vintage heel shape, no-knot tailpiece, and double adjusting truss rod. Includes a fingerboard scoop.
No purchase is necessary to participate and registration will be open to all visitors regardless of location. It is not necessary to be a member of the Banjo Cafe forum in order to enter.
Selection of the winning entry and all runner-up entries will be announced Monday, May 2 at 8:30 p.m. Central.
The New NS Micro Banjo Tuner
Bob Carlin demonstrates the Gold Tone WL-250 White Ladye