FENTON, MO. — Mel Bay Publications, Inc. has announced the availability of Dan Levenson's Master Collection of Old-Time Tunes.
Whether you already play old-time music, or you are just getting started, this is the book for you. Dan Levenson’s Master Collection of Old-Time Tunes presents more than 300 tunes in standard notation with suggested chords for you to explore and enjoy. All but a few are traditional or older tunes and are easily searched online to discover their pedigree as well as several recorded versions of them.
Some might call this a complete repertoire in a book in the following sense: It is a large (though not encyclopedic) collection of old-time fiddle tunes played in today’s sessions.
Learning the tunes in this book will give you a solid old-time repertoire that would allow you to join in jams in the many communities playing old-time music today.
- About this book
- Recordings
- Tune name
- The Version
- Source
- Order of the parts
- Crooked Tunes
- My Bowing
- Chords
- Repeats
- Time Signature(s)
- Waltzes
- Tunings
- Special notations used
- In Conclusion
- The Tunes
- Ain't Gonna Get No Supper Here Tonight
- Altamont
- Angelina Baker (aka Angeline the Baker)
- Antelope Gap
- Arkansas Traveler
- Avalon Quickstep
- And the Cat Came Back
- Barlow Knife (John Salyer)
- Barlow Knife (Song)
- Banjo Tramp
- Been to the East, Been to the West
- Big Eyed Rabbit
- Big John McNeil
- Big Scioto
- Bill Cheatam
- Billy in the Low Ground
- Black Eyed Suzianna (aka Susiana)
- Black Cat in a Briar Patch
- Black Hills Waltz
- Black Jack Grove
- Blackbird Says to the Crow
- Boatman
- Bob Tailed Mule
- Booth Shot Lincoln
- Bowl-a-Rama
- Breaking Up Christmas
- Briar Picker Brown
- Broken Down Gambler
- Buck Mountain
- Buffalo Gals (KY version in G)
- Buffalo Gals (Common version in G)
- Buffalo Gals (in A)
- Buckin' Dun
- Bull at the Wagon
- Camp Chase
- Camp Meeting on the th of July
- Candy Girl
- Chase the Squirrel
- Chattanooga
- Cincinnati Hornpipe
- Cherokee Shuffle (in A)
- Cherokee Shuffle (in D)
- Chinese Breakdown
- Climbing the Golden Stairs
- Chinquapin Hunting (in A)
- Chinquapin Hunting (in D - Stamper)
- Coast Is Clear
- Cluck Old Hen
- Colored Aristocracy
- Cookhouse Joe
- Crow Little Rooster
- Crook Brothers Breakdown
- Crow Creek
- Cuffy
- Cuckoo's Nest in D
- Cuckoo's Nest in A (aka Richmond)
- Dance All Night with a Bottle in My Hand
- Devil Eat the Groundhog
- Dinah
- Doctor, Doctor
- Dogs in the Dishes
- Double File
- Dry and Dusty
- Drunken Hiccups
- Ducks on the Mill Pond
- Dubuque
- Duck River
- Ducks in the Pond
- Duke of Kent's Waltz
- Mr. Fishar's Hornpipe (aka Fisher's
- Hornpipe)
- Durang's Hornpipe
- Dusty Miller
- Ebenezer
- Table of Contents
- Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss
- (in D aka Western Country)
- Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss
- (in G from The Tar Heel Rattlers)
- Flying Clouds (aka Flying Cloud Cotillion)
- Elzic's Farewell
- Five Miles From Town
- Flying Indian
- Folding Down the Sheets
- Forked Deer
- Fortune
- Fun's All Over
- Gaston
- George Booker
- Georgia Railroad
- Gilsaw
- Get Off Your Money
- Give the Fiddler a Dram
- Girl I Left Behind
- Glory Medley
- Goodbye Girls, I'm Going to Boston
- Going Up Town
- Goodbye My Little Darling
- Grey Cat on a Tennessee Farm
- Grand Picnic
- Grasshopper Sitting on a Sweet Potato
- Vine
- Greasy Coat (Hammons)
- Greasy String (Tommy Jarrell)
- Greasy String (Melvin Wine)
- Great Big Taters in a Sandy Land
- Green Willis (aka The Raw Recruit)
- Grey Eagle
- Grub Springs
- Hangman's Reel
- Happy Hollow
- Half Past Four
- Hell and Scissors
- Henry Reed's Breakdown
- Hey Little Girl Do What You Want
- High Yellow
- Hollow Poplar
- Home With the Girls in the Morning
- Hooker's Hornpipe
- Hop Light Ladies (aka Miss McLeod's Reel)
- Hunt the Buffalo
- I Don't Love Nobody
- Icy Mountain
- I'm Going to Get My Mustache Blacked
- Indian Ate the Woodchuck
- Jackie Wilson
- Indian Corn (aka Ol' Woodard's Tune)
- I've Got No Honey Babe Now
- Jaybird
- Jaybird Died of the Whooping Cough
- Jeff City
- Jeff Sturgeon
- Jenny on the Railroad
- Jimmy in the Swamp
- Jimmy Shank
- John Brown's Dream
- John Brown's March
- John Henry
- John Lover's Gone
- John Sharp's Reel
- John Stenson's #2
- Johnny Cope
- Johnny Don't Get Drunk
- Johnson Boys
- Johnson Gals
- Jonah in the Windstorm
- Juliann Johnson
- Jump in the Well My Pretty Little Miss
- Jump Jim Crow
- Kash Kersey
- Just From the Fountain
- Katy Hill
- Kansas City Reel
- Lady of the Lake
- Lady of the Lake
- Ladies on the Steamboat
- Leather Britches
- Liberty
- Little Burnt Potato
- Little Betty Brown
- Little Billy Wilson
- Little Dutch Girl
- Little Girl with Her Hair Down Behind
- Little Sadie
- Log Chain
- Logan County Blues
- Love Somebody
- Lonesome Train
- Lost Indian (Ed Haley)
- Maggots in the Sheep Hide
- Magpie
- Martha Campbell
- Meadow Prancer (Ryck Kaiser)
- Merry Blacksmith
- McMichen's Reel (aka Hog Trough Reel)
- Mike in the Wilderness
- Mississippi Sawyer
- Mole in the Ground
- Monkey on a Dogcart
- Money Musk
- Money Musk (Wooliver's)
- Moses Hoe the Corn
- Muddy Roads
- Natchez Under the Hill
- Needlecase (aka Latch Key)
- New Five Cents
- New Money
- Nixon's Farewell (Curtis Bouterse)
- North Carolina Breakdown
- Oh My Little Darling
- Oklahoma Rooster
- Old Belle Cow (2 part)
- Old Belle Cow (3 part)
- Old Bunch of Keys
- Old Horse and Buggy
- Old Joe Clark
- Old Melinda
- Old Molly Hare
- Old Mother Flannigan
- Old Savannah (Beverly Smith)
- Old Yellow Dog Come Trotting Through the
- Meeting House
- Ora Lee
- Opera Reel (aka The Celebrated Opera Reel)
- Orvetta Waltz
- Over the Waterfall
- Pikes Peak
- Polly Put the Kettle On
- Pig Ankle Rag
- Policeman
- Possum in the Well
- Possum on a Rail
- Porter's Reel
- Quince Dillon's High D
- Ragtime Annie
- Railroad Through the Rocky Mountains (aka
- Marmaduke's Hornpipe)
- Rainy Day
- (The) Rattlesnake
- Rattlesnake Bit the Baby
- Red Bird
- Red Fox Waltz
- Red Haired Boy (aka Little Begger Man)
- Richmond Cotillion
- Rickett's Hornpipe
- Rock That Cradle Lucy
- Rock the Cradle Joe (1)
- Rock the Cradle Joe (2)
- Roaring River
- Rochester Schottische
- Rocky Mountain Goat
- Rocky Mountain Hornpipe
- Rocky Pallet
- Rocky Road to Jordan
- Rolling River
- Roscoe
- Run Down Boot
- Run Rabbit Run
- Rye Straw (aka Joke on the Puppy)
- Saddle Up the Gray
- Sailing Over England
- Saint Anne's Reel
- Sally Anne Johnson
- Sal's Got Mud Between Her Toes
- Salty River Reel
- Sandy Boys
- Sandy River Belle
- Sarah Armstrong (collected as Old Reel)
- Saturday Night Breakdown
- Seneca Square Dance
- Shepherd's Walk
- Shoes and Stockings
- Shoo Fly
- Shortening Bread (Doc Roberts')
- Shove That Pig's Foot a Little Further Into
- the Fire
- Shuckin' the Brush
- Shuffle About
- Silly Bill
- Sleepy Eyed Joe
- Sleepy Eyed John
- Snake River Reel (Peter Lippincott)
- Snowbird
- Soldier's Joy
- Spotted Pony
- Star of Bethlehem
- Staten Island Hornpipe
- Step Around Johnny
- Sugar Hill
- Sugar in the Gourd
- Tater Patch
- Sugarbaby
- Temperance Reel (aka Teatotalers Reel)
- Texas
- Texas Gals
- Texas Quick Step (aka Rachael)
- That's My Rabbit, My Dog Caught It
- Thread the Needle
- Three Forks of Reedy
- Three Thin Dimes
- Three Way Hornpipe
- Tom and Jerry
- Tomahawk
- Tombigbee Waltz
- Too Young to Marry (1)
- Too Young to Marry (2)
- Triangle Blues (formerly misnamed Under
- the Parasol)
- Train on the Island
- Trot Along My Honey
- Trouble on My Mind
- Wake Up Susan (1)
- Wake Up Susan (2)
- Valley Forge
- Waiting for the Boatsman
- Waldorf Reel
- Walk Along John to Kansas
- Walk Old Shoe (with a Heel Come a Draggin')
- Walking in My Sleep
- Washington's March
- Waterbound
- Ways of the World
- Whistling Rufus (aka Way Down South)
- West Fork Gals
- Whiskey Before Breakfast
- Whitesburg
- Wild Hog in the Woods
- Wild Horses at Stony Point
- Woodchopper's Reel
- Year of Jubilo (aka Lincoln's Gunboats)
- Yellow Barber
- Y.Z. Hamilton's Special Breakdown
- Yellow Gals
- Yellow Rose of Texas
- Key Index
- About Dan
Additional Information