May Gray and Porch Pickin'
, May-17-2016 at 1:00pm (16242 Views)
Where I live in SoCal has been slammed with pleasant temps and tons of overcast. Rain would be welcome,and yes I like the May gray,especially for doing my annual "rebooting of the front porch". This consists of emptying pots that the annuals died in,putting in fresh soil,and planting this year's crop of petunias (patriotic colors in one pot!) marigolds,pansies,and salvia. (My local 99¢ store had an abundance of annuals!) The porch gets a BIG sweep & dusting,a bit of rearranging of the furniture (I need to get a new pair of armless chairs,preferably metal) and it's all beautified to sit and do some pickin'. I get visited by friendly hummingbirds,dragonflies, & butterflies. The hanging plants need new lining and planting done in them too as the birds take the lining for their nests every year.
As always,looking for new Skype students and added my name to the Deering Teachers Page. Working with a new to me system of playing scales,which once I have down I want to teach to other banjoists and mandolinists. Other than that,still searching for a reasonable rated luthier in the Torrance area of SoCal to put in a geared 5th string tuner on my Aria banjo....not to mention I bet it's due for a set up.
And it's looking like I'll be making myself some more banjo straps for the summer & fall seasons!