Welcome to the Banjo Cafe Forums.
This area is only for those discussions that don't fit other predefined categories.
Discussions of all banjo family instruments, pre-1965.
Have an old instrument you want to find out about? Want to discuss issues about vintage vs. new and related topics? Post here.
General discussions around instruments and accessories for sale on eBay, Craig's list and similar resources.
A place for the community to find out about regional jam sessions & get togethers or for those traveling to a new destination and seeking a music event.
Discussion and comments about site's news articles. Available only for responding to articles, not for starting new threads.
Construction, restoration and repair of banjos.
Strings, picks, tuners, amps, cases, tailpieces, mics, and other equipment related discussions.
Post videos, pictures, share sound files, etc. of you and/or your instrument.
Discussions around early instruments, history of the instrument, gourd instruments, Very early 1900s and prior.
For discussions of music basics, theory, tips & tricks, etc.
A place to collectively work on songs, scales, tunes, etc.
Banjo related content pulled from the web via RSS (Really Simple Syndication). Posts here are generated by a computer task. Members can reply to posts but cannot start new threads.
Questions on how to use this forum software, location of editing tools, personalizing, troubleshooting, etc.
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Latest Blog Entry, Oh happy day by SRyanRussell