
Type: Posts; User: BanjoBelle

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  1. Replies

    Re: Banjo method books? (for any style)

    Wayne Erbsen's "Complete Ignoramous" books for banjo and mandolin. Very fun,easy to understand,and you learn the history of the tunes. Dan Levenson's tune books in the old time style for banjo &...
  2. Thread: New to BC

    by BanjoBelle

    Re: New to BC

    Welcome Tony! I'm another mandolin player who also plays banjo. :)
  3. Re: I've designed a couple of banjo related t-shirts.

    It'd be cool if you could make a banjo-guitar (banjitar) shirt or two....nobody makes them (yet)
  4. Replies

    Re: Anyone here play banjitar/guitjo?

    oh how cool! You have any videos of you playing,and do you ever try fingerpicking blues on it (country blues)? Any pics of the instrument? I have an Estrada......
  5. Replies

    Anyone here play banjitar/guitjo?

    I have one,in addition to my 5 string banjos and I do enjoy playing it! Used to write articles about it for a different banjo forum. ~o)
  6. Replies

    Re: Child size picks

    It might be a help to you to know Wayne Erbsen suggests learning in the beginning without finger or thumb picks- just with your nails,as a classical/fingerpicking guitarist would do. As I play...
  7. Replies

    Re: Where are the banjo pluckin' ladies?

    Wow did this thread turn an unexpected corner! (I haven't been here for a week or so) :disbelief: Thanks,admin for stepping in......I just wanted to see how many female banjoists were here on the...
  8. 5th string tuner replacement for 70's Aria!

    It still has the original,and it's about dead. Found out your standard geared tuner isn't the right size,and the old 5th string tuner doesn't want to come out. Suggestions? Should I go for a non...
  9. I purchased a copy of this book and it's...

    I purchased a copy of this book and it's excellent - easy to play arrangements that you can spice up if you want to,and just as important- the TAB is a size that is comfy for middle aged and beyond...
  10. Replies

    Where are the banjo pluckin' ladies?

    Just curious! I also play mandolin,and am a rock guitarist. (don't tell anybody!)
  11. Re: Article: New in Print - Classical Themes for Banjo

    I love seeing the banjo being taken in these directions-would be cool to learn some of these & do a duet with a cellist or something...... :popcorn:
  12. Re: Giving away free Banjo Cafe case stickers right now

    Just a thought-have you guys thought of making patches so those of us who have gig bags instead of cases could sew them on? Really wishing more manufacturers would do that,like D'addario,etc. Buttons...
  13. Replies

    Anybody use alternate tunings?

    When I've played clawhammer I've used a number of different tunings,such as sawmill tuning,and so forth. Any of you use this in bluegrass? I'm waiting for a book I sent for that deals with this very...
  14. Any Blues or Gypsy/Swing Jazz players on 5 sting?

    Got bit by the blues bug and I have a deep love of 1920's music,which I usually play on ukulele & mandolin, & am bringing over to the 5 string banjo.
    Using the blues banjo book by Fred Sokolow...
  15. Re: Builder database - what builders are we missing?

    Would be great to see a luthier list also! I've got a 1970's Aria resonator that desperately needs a geared 5th string tuner and a setting up. I live in the LAX area of southern CA. Wonderful to see...
Results 1 to 15 of 15