Really nice picking. Thanks for posting. I will keep an eye out for these two.
Type: Posts; User: Mike Baker
Really nice picking. Thanks for posting. I will keep an eye out for these two.
I took this book on vacation back in May but only got little bit read. Summer got pretty hectic after that, but I picked it back up the other day and at least finshed the last few pages of chapter...
Really nice. Thanks for posting.
Hi Tony, welcome to the Cafe. Sorry it took six days to get a reply to your first post! I recognize your username from the mandolin cafe. Although you claim that you never got 'much beyond average',...
Are these tees still available for sale somewhere? The links say
This campaign is no longer available to purchase
While planetary tuners have certain advantages, I do prefer the guitar tuners for precision. I don't re-tune much (almost never), so without the alternate tuning argument (and even then it really...
Yeah, I guess I will just continue the cycle of growing the nail (with the ease of playing and tone improving as it grows), breaking it, and re-growing it. I also tend to use the time between...
Was out shooting hoops with my kids last night and of course ripped the end of a perfect frailing nail off. I might have to see if I can learn to play with a clipped nail. I do find it annoying to...
I think I would definitely benefit from instructional DVDs. My problem these days is that I no longer have a DVD player! I'll have to see about downloadable versions of some of these.
Can't seem to get this photo to display upright. Anyway...
Wore my BC cap to Fenway and the Sox won (walk off double in the 12th). Wore it to Camden Yards a few days later and the Orioles lost....
428Arrived just in time for the trip. I might even wear it at Fenway on Saturday afternoon.
Mine was shipped right away and quickly made its way to Canada customs. Now it will be a waiting game to see when Canada post gets it the rest of the way to me. I guess I will need to take one of my...
Wow! Talk about jumping in with both feet! Please post a couple more pics if you get a break from practicing.
Got a copy of Banjo Crackerjax 1922-1930 the other day. Popped it in the player in my car on a drive this morning. Just dynamite stuff.
Holy bagumba, it has already been shipped! I might have it for my road trip next week.
Got one on the way to Canada. Very nice looking cap.
This thread is part genuine question, part homage to Skittle's eight year old post on which spawned 70 pages of discussion (found here:...
Yep, I don't play much Scruggs style right now, but I've got to get Earl's book.
I came across a reference to Frank Converse's mid-nineteenth century method books the other day, and then noticed that some of them are still in print...
Hi Rob!
I love my Goodtime. It is no frills but really well built. Though I have not played the Americana, that larger rim is something you won't find in other (new) banjos in that price range...
Thought I'd embed this.
Just finished listening. What a fantastic selection of music. Great to hear both the tenor and the 5 string featured.