Cool story!
Type: Posts; User: DoctorB
Cool story!
That is a nice looking ax. Here's a pic of it on their site. Is this the only model they make? Seems so.
I love this stuff! Post more, please.
Wow, what a great piece of music. Thanks!
Like to see some real pix of these. Anyone received theirs yet?
Whoa now. Is that cool!
Could use advice on a stubborn bottom lag screw on an original Gibson neck. Won’t turn. Should I heat it? Recommendations? Thought since I asked one question might as well ask another! Might be my...
Curious if Gibson used double acting truss rods on their early necks. Trying to adjust the truss rod on an original plectrum neck, but as I tighten it, the neck seems to go lower in the center. Any...
New to here, obviously. Not new to banjo! Cool site.