I recently received a D'Addario NS banjo/mandolin capo and tried it out last night. My usual "go-to" capo is a Shubb (previously a Paige), which I've been more than satisfied with. But I like to experiment.
My first impression is that I like this capo. It does the job nicely with no muss, no fuss. It's easy to install, with only a minor adjustment of the wheel to get the clamping action just perfect. The knurled wheel is just the right size for easy grip and adjustment. And with the wheel angled to one side, it's easy to see and get to, without hanging ridiculously low under the neck like the complete horseshoe/crossbar styles (Elliott, Paige, etc.).
The length of the arm is just right so it doesn't hang over the edge of the fingerboard (which aggravates me about some capos), and the rounded design of all the parts is nice. The arm doesn't protrude as high over the board as my Shubb, which is convenient when I'm fretting at the first fret and have to get my hand sort of over the top of it. What I like about this capo is that it seems to 'hug' the neck all the way around and maintain a low profile compared to some others I've tried.
I didn't think to weigh it, but it feels lighter than my Shubb. It's smaller and more compact overall too, so it takes up less room in a case compartment or shirt pocket. Not that capos take up much room anyway, but this one just feels less bulky in all aspects. It has an internal spring of some sort that keeps the jaws roughly where they need to be all the time, so it doesn't flop open when it's not in use like the Shubb does.
All in all, I can't think of anything I don't like about this capo. It may replace my Shubb as my "go-to" capo.